Perennial ryegrass is the fastest establishing species of all the turfgrasses. It prefers milder climates, but tolerates temperatures down to minus 16 to 18°C without a snow cover. With a snow cover, ryegrass can tolerate even lower temperatures. In temperate regions, perennial ryegrass is a true perennial with a high persistence. It can be used on most soil types, with the exception of very wet land. Perennial ryegrass exists in early, intermediate, and late types in respect to heading and spring growth. Perennial ryegrass has very high wear tolerance.
Establishment: 7 to 10 Days
Use alone or with bluegrass for year-round quality and sod strength.
Click Variety Name to Download the Tech Sheet:
Aspire - A-LIST! Broad spectrum disease resistance, especially Gray Leaf Spot and Helminthosporium.
Bandalore - High turf quality and resistance to Brown Patch.
Banfield - Gray Leaf Spot and Brown Patch tolerance, improved turf quality, and color.
Brea - NEW TO DLF - selected for dark green color, excellent turf density, and enhanced disease resistance. Transitions well in the spring, and competes well with weeds.
Diligent - Very early spring green up, high Gray Leaf Spot resistance, fine leaf texture, and Red Thread resistance.
Esquire - Early establishment, exceptional density, wear tolerance, year-round color, and performance.
Express II - Elite, lower growing, dense, dark green, with excellent germination, establishment, and growth.
Hancock - Dark green color, tiller density, and fine leaf texture.
Helios - Excellent winter hardiness & survival, high drought and low maintenance performance, superior Gray Leaf Spot resistance, and high traffic tolerance.
Stamina - Wear tolerant and excellent drought recovery.
Thrive- Freedom from leaf diseases, superior overall quality, excellent drought tolerance.
Karma - Outstanding Gray Leaf Spot resistance, Brown Patch resistance, overseeding quality.
Grow Your Knowledge: Curing Gray Leaf Spot with Karma.
Wicked - Drought and Summer Stress resistant high performance turf.
Fiesta 4 - Highly resistant to Gray Leaf Spot, very fine leaf texture, and high summer density ratings.
Fiesta Cinco - (Fall 2020) Superior turf quality, very dark green color, superior disease resistance, excellent wear tolerance.
Mighty - Adult and seedling salt tolerance. High germination vigor and superior stress tolerance.
Allstar Fore - (Fall 2020) Superior resistance to disease, excellent turf quality, superior winter color retention, superior wear tolerance.
Gator 3 - Heat and disease resistance, dark green color, and fine leaf texture.
Gator Cinco - NEW - High resistance to disease, dark green color, high density, and low Poa annua invasion.
Mystique - NEW - Excellent traffic tolerance, survives drought and salts, superior winter color and great turf quality.
Pinstripe II - NEW TO DLF - Exhibiting dark green color, fine leaf texture, and excellent striping ability, Pinstripe II is an exceptional choice for overseeding golf courses, sports fields, and home lawns, especially in the south.
Ringer II - NEW TO DLF - enhanced disease resistance for red thread, gray leaf spot and anthracnose, Ringer II is quick to establish and is an excellent option as a pure stand, or in mixtures with Kentucky bluegrass or fine fescues.
Replicator 4N - Part of the 4turf® ryegrass program for tough turf, featuring excellent heat tolerance, disease resistance, and low temperature germination.
Tetradark - Part of the 4turf® ryegrass program for tough turf, featuring excellent establishment, very dark green color, cold, drought, and wear tolerant.
Tetrasport - Part of the 4turf® ryegrass program for tough turf, featuring superior drought tolerance, germination under cold temperatures, excellent traffic tolerance and recovery, perfect in blends.