007XL new creeping bentgrass

What does it take to classify as a member of the SUPER BENTS?

Only an advanced generation, highly refined bentgrass variety, bred for genetically enhanced disease resistance and scientifically designed for use on closely maintained golf greens, fairways and tees can obtain classification as "One of the SUPER BENTS™."

The elite, environmentally-friendly turf performance of SUPER BENTS™ are the result of meticulous testing by Seed Research of Oregon and DLF Pickseed that exceeds all industry standards and removes undesirable weeds and crop like Poa annua and Poa trivialis.

Get the Bentgrass Report Card and find the best suited super bent for you!

Current SUPER BENTS™ Class:

The most genetically advanced creeping bentgrass available today. It is the only 5th generation variety in the market and has scored the No. 1 rating in the Rutgers turf evaluation trials for four years straight in both greens and fairways (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020). 007XL has superior turf qualities – fine leaves and uniformly dense – and exceptional Dollar Spot and Anthracnose resistance. It also excels because of its high wear tolerance, early spring green up, and cool weather performance.

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Extensively used around the world in all environments. Superior performance greens, tees, and fairways. Documented reduced fungicide use due to disease resistance. Excellent wear tolerance and repair. Heat and Cold Tolerance.

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Superior turf quality. Excellent wear tolerance and recovery. Cool temperature growth. Heat and cold tolerance. Superior disease resistance for reduced inputs for fast establishment.

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Superior heat and wear tolerance. High density with lateral spread great for greens, tees, and fairways. Excellent putting quality and Poa annua resistance. High disease resistance for reduced inputs.

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Lateral spread with high density but low organic matter production. Rapid recovery from wear, divots, verticutting, aerification, and ballmarks. Cool temperature growth and density to prevent Poa annua invasion. Heat, cold, disease, and Shade resistant.

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Superior Dollar Spot resistance. Versatile for greens, tees, and fairways. High density with low thatch production, high resistance to Anthracnose, Brown Patch, and Pink Snow Mold. Excellent heat and cold tolerance. Unique genetics.

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